9 Tips to Keep Your Child Away From the Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones

Children should play at least 60 minutes of outdoor games or on the field outside the home.

The use of mobile phones, iPods, or televisions has become common in our lives, whether talking to friends or family, shopping or playing video games, reading the latest news, or reading a comment about entertainment, we all use mobile phones or tablets.

9 Tips to Keep Your Child Away From the Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones

Even today's children use mobile phones or iPods in school, in all these situations we have been forced to think how important 'screen time is for our children.

According to the report of Indiana's website 'Health Partner', in the new era, it has become necessary to give children information about modern technology, but we also need to make sure that our children are not completely dependent on mobile phone screens or tablets, because although there are games and resources in the Internet and application, with the help of which we have educational information. But there is little chance that such information can help in the cognitive development of a young child.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), in fact, using too many mobile phone screens has negative effects, including poor academic performance, obesity, and negative behavior in children, so children should play outdoor games for at least 60 minutes or in the field outside the home, which improves the balance, social skills, language and other qualities in children.

The common complaint of parents is that 'our children are busy using TV, iPad or mobile phones all day and we are not able to get rid of this habit from them. What activities would you advise children to engage in so that children's development can improve and stay away from mobile phones?

Here are 9 ways to keep children away from mobile phones and improve their development:

1- Set an example

It doesn't seem to be the case but children consider the activities happening around them, often parents tell their children 'don't do what I do, but do what I'm saying but that's not enough, is there a law in your house for children not to use mobile phones for lunch and dinner? This means parents can't use Facebook or Instagram at the moment.

A study shows that the more parents use mobile phones, they cannot pay attention to children's development, in the same way, to keep the child more aware of the world, you have to give them different opportunities in society, plan outdoor games, teach children new skills and skills, for example, activities like biking, swimming, camping, art, and craft will be very beneficial.

2- Spend time outside the house

Electronic games and TV education programs will help to improve the child's mind but remember that it will make the mind tired, in such a situation, the solution is to show the children natural scenery, take them to your neighbor daily or once a week or go to a park, if you can do hiking, it is best, it will keep the child's mind calm.

3- Get used to reading

Now not all activities need to be outside the house, you can do a lot inside the house, such as giving them a list of books during the children's school holidays and encouraging them to read them.

There are also some rules of reading, do not give your children the books of the world, but books based on speech skills, and logical thinking will be effective and when given the opportunity, children should also read comic books.

4. Encourage sports

If children play, their mental development will increase, try to take the children to the park or they can play with their friends so that good relations can be formed between the children, this activity will also increase the skills of the children.

5- Plan to go on a road trip

If it is difficult to choose a place to go somewhere, then you can use the map, do research and take advice from the family and especially if you plan to roam somewhere, do not forget to take the opinion of your children, in this way the children will stay away from mobile phones and will be able to spend time with the family.

6- Help with housework

Helping with household chores can also improve children's development, but how? We tell you, to make a list of household tasks on paper and hand it to your child and ask them to do all the work in the list, for example fixing the bed, keeping the things in the room in place, etc., so that you will also be able to save your time and create a sense of responsibility in the child.

7- Keep all mobile phones out of children's rooms

Keep mobile phones out of children's rooms, night sleep is very important for children's mental and physical health, according to research, closing mobile phones during sleep at night affects your sleep.

8- Determine the time to use a mobile phone

Limiting the use of mobile phones does not mean banning electronic devices, but know that excessive use of mobile phones can disable your child's brain, so it is important to schedule strategically, do not use mobile phones in the morning hours because your mind is fresh at that time.

The best time to use mobile phones is afternoon, at that time the sun is the hottest and children are already tired, target only 30 minutes or one hour for children to use mobiles, remember to hide all electronic devices at least two hours before bedtime.