Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

 Know 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease So You Can Protect Yourself and Stay Healthy

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

Kidneys are like unsung heroes in our bodies 

which remove waste and excess materials while also controlling salt, potassium and acid levels, 

Which keeps blood pressure normal, 

The amount of vitamin D in the body increases and the red blood cells also remain on a balanced level.

But kidney diseases can be very painful and life-threatening.

The symptoms of kidney damage are quite obvious. 

However, by the time people pay attention to them, there is a lot of error.

Many times the kidneys are about to end, even if the symptoms do not appear, then keeping blood sugar and blood pressure under control is the best safety measure to avoid it.

However, knowing the silent symptoms of kidney disease can also lead to life-saving, which should be consulted as soon as it comes.

The function of the kidneys is to remove waste from the body in the form of fluid form or urine, 

If the kidney functions slow down or do not work, then this fluid starts accumulating in the body, as a result of which swelling in some parts of the body such as the feet starts to remain constant.

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

Low urination

Kidneys excrete most of the waste in the form of urine and if there is a problem with this organ, the urine starts coming down as usual which can be a sign of kidney disturbances.

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

Too much fatigue or drowsiness

Kidney functions also include regulating an individual's hemoglobin levels, 

When this process is affected, there is a lack of blood, which results in less physical energy.

And you feel very tired or drowsy all the time.

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

Loss of desire to eat, nausea or trouble thinking

These problems arise when waste starts accumulating in the body system instead of being discharged from the body and affects other parts of the body such as the stomach and brain.

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

Increase in blood pressure

Once the kidneys are damaged, they are unable to control blood pressure effectively.

As a result, blood pressure increases in the arteries, which weakens the arteries and causes further damage to the kidneys.

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

Heart rate disorder

If the kidneys are damaged, the amount of potassium in the body starts increasing, which comes in the form of an abnormal speed in the heartbeat.

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat | 6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease | گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

گردوں کے امراض کی 6 خاموش علامات

6 Silent Signs of Kidney Disease

Gurdon Ki Bimari Ki 6 Alamat

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