Chehre Par Nikhar Lane Ka Tarika Urdu English - Aajkitips


Chehre Par Nikhar Lane Ka Tarika Urdu English - Aajkitips

Chehre Par Nikhar Lane Ka Tarika Urdu English

Chehre Par Nikhar Lane Ka Tarika Urdu English

Don't do anything else to brighten your face immediately, just go to the kitchen.
Learn what are the things in the kitchen that can enhance the complexion?

Most of the time when women suddenly go to a wedding, engagement or party, the first thing that comes to mind is to go to the parlor, but now there is no need to go to the parlor, just take a walk around your kitchen. Something will be found.
Yes! Because today we are going to tell you about some of the things in your kitchen that you can do at home like a parlor, so let's start again.

How to do facial immediately with the items available in the kitchen?

If you want to go to any party immediately, first massage your face with an oil cream and lightly massage your face with the tips of your fingers. Now wash your face after 15 minutes and apply a towel. Soak it in warm water and put it on your face or take hot water in a pot and cover yourself with a towel. Now when there is a lot of sweat on the face, clean it with the help of tissue and sprinkle rose water.

How to make and apply a mask

Now add milk, lemon juice, honey and the most important ingredient to the crushed tomato pulp in 2 tablespoons basin, mix it well and apply it on the face, also on the arms and neck and then massage when half. When it is dry, soak the finely chopped cucumber in milk and put it on the eyes.

Now after 15 minutes, massage and wash your face in a circular motion. Now massage the dark circles around the eyes for 15 minutes with the help of milk. Now wash your face with a good face wash and sprinkle rose water all over your face and neck.

This homemade facial will give a natural glow to the face, increase the radiance and you will get a whitening facial like a parlor sitting at home.