Cauliflower Benefits for Health English Urdu


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Cauliflower Benefits For Health | Learn how the healthy ingredients of cabbage protect our health

Experts are considering cabbage as a superfood like brussels sprouts, avocado and broccoli.

Because every time there is research, it has amazing benefits.

It has a wealth of powerful anti-cancer ingredients and fiber. It belongs to the brasica family and is therefore a treasure trove of health.

According to experts, a cup of cauliflower has only 27 calories. It contains 2 grams of protein, 5.3 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of sugar and just over 2 grams of fiber.

It also contains good amounts of vitamin c, folate, vitamin k, and vitamin b6, but surprisingly, it has zero fat.

Benefits Cauliflower | Cabbage is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent destruction and damage at the cellular level.

That is why it prevents inflammation, internal irritation and many types of cancer.

Cauliflower Health | Cabbage is very useful for the stomach and it plays an important role in controlling blood pressure.

On the other hand, the amount of magnesium in cabbage is very useful for muscles, muscles and brain.

The folate and vitamin b6 in cabbage keep the brain and nervous system healthy.

Cauliflower Health Benefits | It contains 145 vitamins and 145 maintains bone minerals and strengthens bones. A small amount of calories in it does not allow weight gain.

Eating cabbage with salad, yogurt and potatoes will be more useful.

If it is mixed with white rice or spicy rice, children also eat it happily.

Benefits of Eating Cauliflower | According to experts, cabbage can be cooked in any way to maintain its nutrition, no matter what, but boiling it loses its nutrients.

Learn the Secret of Korean Beauty


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Why are Korean men's and women's skin so beautiful and fair? Learn the secret of Korean beauty

We've always seen and talked about the fact that Koreans have beautiful skin, but have you ever wondered why?

That's why today we will tell you the secret of the beauty of Korean men and women, so let's start again, but first we need to know what we do to enhance our beauty. Are

Learn the Secret of Korean Beauty | We only do three things to enhance the beauty of our skin and keep it healthy, namely cleansing toning and just moisturizing or scrubbing as much as possible, but Korean women do not do that, they want to make their skin healthy and beautiful. Let us tell you what steps to follow.

What do Korean women do to keep their skin healthy and beautiful?

Oil cleansing

Korean Beauty Secrets | Korean women first cleanse with oils or cleansers with oily cleansers to clean the pores of the skin, remove dirt and grime from the pores, and clean the skin deeply and remove problems.

Double cleansing

Korean Beauty Tips | Korean women then thoroughly cleanse and massage the skin from a cleansing country with milk, honey or cucumber and massage thoroughly to remove dirt and grime from the skin pores, remove bacteria and close open pores. ۔

Exfoliate / scrub

Korean Skincare | Exfoliate the face with a good scrub at least 2 to 3 times a week, it deeply cleanses the skin pores, improves skin color and texture and also removes dead skin cells.

Use of toner

Korean Skin Care | Korean women use essential toners when thoroughly cleansing the skin so that deeply cleansed skin can get minerals and vitamins, maintain the skin's pH level and absorb it to brighten and tone the skin. Also make

Essence / Serum

Korean Beauty Products | This is followed by using a serum rich in natural nutrients on the skin so that the skin can be moisturized and skin tone, the skin can be hydrated and blemishes can be removed, wrinkles, pimples, sesame. Dry skin removes all these problems.

Sheet mask

Diy Korean Beauty Secret | Sheet masks are very popular nowadays because every celebrity and beautician uses sheet masks. All the nutrients reach deep inside the skin and have an immediate effect on the skin.

Eye and lip cream

Japanese Beauty Secrets | Korean women use eye cream to remove the light around the eyes, while natural balms are used to make the lips soft and pink.


Korean Skincare Routine | Korean men and women apply moisturizer to their skin and use it every season to keep the skin soft and supple.


Korean | Now it is our turn to use sunscreen whether we are at home or outside the house. This protects our skin from sun, dust and other contaminants and does not damage the color of our skin.

How to Remove Dark Eye Circles English Urdu


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How to Remove Dark Eye Circles | Dark circles steal the beauty of the eyes. To remove them, follow these 8 best tips

How To Remove Dark Circles | The beauty of the face is reflected in the eyes, so it should be given special protection. The majority of women are worried about the problem of dark circles around the eyes, which is why the beauty of their face begins to fade.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles | Before following any tips to get rid of these circles, it is important to know the cause if they are due to lack of sleep, low water consumption, excessive exposure to the sun, stress or drug use. Pay attention to all these things and solve these problems.

Dark Circles | Today we are going to tell you some simple home remedies to get rid of these circles which can be used to get rid of dark circles and restore the beauty of your face.

Remove Dark Circles | Apply orange juice and glycerin together on the circles, it not only removes the circles but also makes the skin around the eyes soft, soft and shiny.
Apply almond oil around the eyes, it will get rid of dark circles.

Remove Dark Circles Fast | Cut the potatoes and cucumbers into slices and keep them in the freezer for a few minutes then keep them on the eyes for 10 to 20 minutes.

Remedies to Remove Dark Circles | Then wash your eyes, repeat this process every day, you will notice a clear difference in a few days, this is the best tip to get rid of dark circles.

Remove Dark Circles Permanently | Make a paste with tomato juice, lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric and some flour. Now apply it on the eyes and massage lightly with the help of finger tips. Wash off after 20 minutes, noticeable change in a few weeks.

How to Remove Dark Circles Naturally | Tea bags prevent the skin from becoming swollen and discolored. Use them for dark circles instead of throwing them away after use. Keep in the fridge overnight and take it out of the fridge in the morning and keep it on the eyes for 10 minutes, repeat this process every day and get rid of dark circles.

Dark Circles Under Eyes | Mix cucumber juice, potato juice, aloe vera gel and honey well and apply on the eyes.

After 20 minutes, apply it daily. Dark circles will disappear in a few days.

Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles | Mix vitamin E oil and rose water and apply twice a day. Apply on eyes after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night and wash off in the morning. These circles will be liberated in a few days.

How to Remove Dark Circles at Home | Coconut oil is also an example in removing dark circles. Apply it around the eyes at night and wash off in the morning. Use daily for best results.

Japani Phal Benefits in Urdu English


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14 Amazing Benefits of Eating Amlok

Persimmon Benefits | Amlok, Japanese fruit or in English it is called persimmons. Amlok looks very beautiful and its shape is similar to tomato. Tomato is red in color but Amlok is orange in color.
But it is also extremely delicious.

Its pulp is very soft. And in terms of its qualities, it has become very popular among the Pakistani people and everyone likes it.

This fruit is suitable for Pakistani climate that is why its cultivation is increasing day by day.

Amlok is a hot tempered fruit so always eat it in moderation. And always eat ripe fruit. Raw fruit can be harmful.

Amlok contains vitamins A, vitamins B and C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. One hundred grams of fruit contains only 80 calories.

Physical benefits of amlok:

* Eating this fruit is beneficial in back pain.
* Also useful in sore throat and sore throat.
* Useful in muscle stiffness and pain from severe physical exertion.
* Helps to eliminate disorders in the large intestine.
* It keeps our system in order.
* Food is beneficial in heart disease.
* Controls sugar.
* Strengthens the immune system.
* Is the cause of weight loss.
* This fruit heals intestinal ulcers.
* Reduces inflammation of the colon.
* Relieves constipation.
* Food is also useful in appendix disease.
* Eliminates gastrointestinal disorders.


Use this fruit as directed by your doctor if you are using it as a medicine.

Hair Treatment


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Hair Treatment | Gray hair at an early age can be a nuisance Learn some easy and homely ways to get rid of gray hair

Premature graying of hair Lack of proper nutrition is one of the leading causes of gray hair, today we will tell you some home remedies that can naturally darken gray or white hair.

Hair Care Tips | Premature graying of hair is something that can upset you. It not only affects your appearance but it also lowers your self-confidence, if your hair is 25 years old. If it turns white before then it can be called premature graying of hair.

Causes of premature graying of hair | Premature graying of hair can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 or severe iron deficiency. Gray hair is caused by a lack of protein, iron and other essential vitamins and minerals in the diet that can cause premature graying of hair. Can cause You need a healthy and balanced diet to prevent premature graying of hair. It is important to include green vegetables, yogurt and fresh fruits in your diet to make up for the lack of essential nutrients. Your hair should not be white.

But today we will tell you what is the treatment to darken the gray hair on your head. There are many treatments that can help to darken the gray hair, the following home remedies can reduce gray hair. And can blacken them.

Amla and fenugreek seed hair mask | Take amla powder, take equal quantity of fenugreek seeds, and grind them in a grinder, now add water as required and apply it well in the hair, wash the head after 2 hours, amla is a rich source of vitamin C. Fenugreek seeds are packed with many useful nutrients to improve hair quality. Together they can promote hair growth and prevent premature graying of hair.

Curry leaves and coconut oil | Boil a few curry leaves in coconut oil, boil them till the leaves turn black, now let it cool and then massage this oil on your hair and leave it overnight, the next morning your hair Wash with shampoo. Vitamin B in curry leaves helps restore the hair coloring enzyme melamine while also preventing further whitening.

Black Tea Hair Mask | Take a pan, take a glass of water and 2 teaspoons of black tea leaves, then add a teaspoon of salt, cook it till half the water is left and let it cool down, apply this mixture on clean hair, this is to dye your hair. The natural way is that black tea will whiten your hair and make it black and you will get shiny hair.

Almond oil and lemon juice | Mix almond oil and lemon juice in the ratio of 2: 3, now massage it on the hair, leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it with shampoo, Vitamin E in almond oil nourishes the hair roots and Prevents premature graying, while lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which can facilitate hair growth.

Henna and coffee mix | Henna is used to dye hair naturally but apply natural henna as the henna available in the market also comes with harmful chemicals and synthetic dyes, henna and coffee are best used to get rid of naturally white hair Boil 4 to 6 teaspoons of coffee in 2 to 3 cups of water. Now add pure henna to this water and make a paste and apply it on the hair. If you add amla powder and almond oil in it, it will be even more amazing. Zinc can give results, all these ingredients will make your hair grow, prevent hair from turning white and make it black as well as make hair silky and shiny.

How to Use a Broken Egg


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How to Use a Broken Egg | If the egg breaks and falls off, don't throw it away. Here are 4 easy tips to use

How to Use Cracked Eggs | When making breakfast in the morning, most people are in a hurry to put the egg in the pan or pan to fry, but due to the hurry it falls and breaks, or sometimes it happens that when you bring the eggs from the market If kept in the fridge, they fall out of hand at this time, and they have to be discarded.

Another Broken Egg | Of course, you will have such problems at home, today know the tips in K-Foods Tips that will save your broken eggs from being lost and make them useful too.


How to Draw Broken Egg | If the egg breaks and falls off, sprinkle a teaspoon of green tea on it, pick it up on a plate and put it in the plants, the plants in your house will grow faster and they will grow in less time.

Fixing a Broken Egg | Clean the fallen eggs with the help of double bread and put them in the corners of the door outside the house so that the ants will not enter the house.

How to Poach an Egg | You will be surprised to know this tip, because red bags do not like to eat eggs at all and if the egg breaks, you can put cocoa powder on it and put it in a place where red bags come a lot, then you will see after a while. All the red bags will run away.

How to Boil Broken Broken Egg | Put red pepper on these eggs and lift them including the shells and put them in the trash can, this will not bring the flies into the house at all.

How to Save a Cracked Egg | Collect these eggs in a bowl and put white vinegar in it and leave it for a while, then you put the paste of these eggs on a burnt pot and rub it with a cloth, the burnt pot will be cleaned in minutes. Will

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Castor Oil Benefits for Digestion,skin,freckles,wound,rashes,hair


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Here are some incredible benefits of castor oil that you can start using today

Castor Oil Benefits | Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor plant, called castor beans. Although the raccoon in the seeds of this plant is toxic due to the enzyme, the heating process of extracting the oil eliminates the effects of this poison. Castor oil has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years, it is commonly used in food as medicine, beauty products and many medicines.

Many people are unaware of its incredible properties and think that castor oil is beneficial for only a few things but today we will tell you about its amazing benefits and uses so let's get started.

Use of castor oil and amazing benefits

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Amazing | In ancient times the Egyptians used it as a fuel for their lamps and as a home remedy for skin and eye problems, today it is used for digestive problems such as skin and hair health and constipation.

Used for digestive problems

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Digestive Problems | Castor oil stimulates the muscles around the intestines and helps to cleanse the intestines, it is a great treatment for constipation and it also works quickly, if you eat castor oil it releases rectolic acid Is absorbed in the intestines and acts as a laxative.

But remember that to get rid of constipation, use only one teaspoon of castor oil, then the constipation will go away. Using too much can also cause abdominal pain and motion.

Moisturize the skin

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Skin | Castor oil contains recanolic acid, it can act as a moisturizer as it retains the moisture of the skin, in addition it prevents dehydration of the outer layer of the skin, which is why it is beautiful Used in products, it makes the skin very soft and shiny by massaging the face.

Eliminate freckles and wrinkles

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Wrinkles | This oil is absorbed deep into your skin and protects it from the inside. Castor oil removes freckles and wrinkles on your face and prevents them from coming back. It hydrates your skin and makes it Makes it softer, helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines. To use it, you just need to wash your face and massage it directly on the skin.

Helps to heal wounds

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Heal Wounds | This oil is widely used in medicine to treat wounds, it accelerates tissue growth and reduces the risk of infection. In addition, it prevents the formation of dead skin cells on the wound. Is.

Reduce pain

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Pain | Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain. You can apply it directly on the sore spot to relieve inflammation and pain. It is also beneficial for psoriasis patients. And it can relieve them. It is also known to reduce swelling. Just massage the affected part with this oil and then see its perfection.

Get rid of grains

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Grains | Castor oil can protect against acne and skin related problems, the cause of acne is often inflammation. Castor oil can reduce swelling and skin irritation, the anti-microbial properties of castor oil can help fight acne. It flushes out the dirt from your skin, it helps to remove dead skin cells and excess oil, and it also prevents acne.

Best for hair health

Benefits Of Castor Oil For Hair | This oil is a natural hair conditioner and is especially good for dry and damaged hair, it moisturizes the hair, lubricates the hair shaft, increases their elasticity and reduces breakage, it dries the hair. All you have to do is massage your head and hair with this oil and leave it overnight then wash it in the morning, use it regularly till this problem is solved.

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Gargle with coconut oil


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Benefits Of Coconut Oil | what happens when you gargle with coconut oil? Learn about the amazing benefits of this age-old prescription

Gargling with oil is an ancient remedy for many problems, including oral and dental health. In today's world, gargling with mouthwash is used, while in earlier times, various oils were used to replace these chemical mouthwashes. Were
Today we will tell you what are the benefits of gargling with coconut oil and what problems can be solved by doing so.

Benefits of gargling with coconut oil

Oral hHealth - Gargling with coconut oil causes bad breath. This oil has antibacterial properties so it eliminates bad breath germs and eliminates gingivitis, irritation or mouth ulcers.

Dental problems - Most people brush their teeth and use toothpaste containing more chemicals to lose their natural shine. It will shine and the worms will be removed from the teeth.

Useful For Digestion - It is a well-known fact that gargling with coconut oil cures mouth and dental problems, but very few people know that gargling with coconut oil also improves digestion.

Coconut Oil Benefits For Health - Yes! When you gargle with coconut oil, some of the oil also reaches your stomach and removes toxins from your stomach. Coconut oil helps the stomach absorb nutrients from the food it eats. It allows food to be digested quickly and does not cause acidity, while it also allows the excretion of toxic substances from the intestines.

If you also want to ensure the health of your mouth, teeth and stomach, you should gargle with coconut oil.

How To Gargle With Oil? - Take one to two tablespoons of coconut oil in the mouth and rub it well in the teeth, jaws and gums. Do this for at least 1 to 2 minutes and then spit in the oil basin. Remember that you cannot drink this oil because It contains germs so it should be discarded.

Baking Soda Benefits


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Here are some amazing uses for baking soda

Baking soda is present in the kitchens of every home and is often used for food preparation. Can also be used for

Here are some benefits of baking soda.

Hair cleaning

Benefits Of Baking Soda | Garbage often accumulates in the hair which is not completely cleaned even after washing, baking soda is an easy way to do this. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in your shampoo, then wash your head as usual. You will find your hair clean, shiny and easier to make than before.

Facial cleansing

Health Benefits Of Baking Soda | Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of raw honey, gently massage this mixture on the face and leave it for two minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Baking soda is the cheapest way to get rid of nail pimples. Mix it with water to make a thick paste, then apply this paste on the nail pimples using ear cleaning suture or cue tip and leave it overnight. ۔

Get rid of foot odor

Baking Soda Water And Its Health Benefits | If your feet are smelling or your fingers are aching due to fatigue, put your feet in a pot filled with cold water and sprinkle some baking soda on it and let it soak for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then wash and dry the feet, it will also remove the smell of the feet and if there is pain in the feet, its intensity will also decrease.

Gharelo Totkay In Urdu


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Gharelo Totkay | Nani Jan shared 21 simple household tips of her time, which will make women's home life easier.

The following are some of the useful and tested versions of Naniji that have been in use for decades and people are benefiting from them:

* If you want to cook chicken broth, put lemon juice and vinegar in it ten to fifteen minutes before cooking, then fry it in ghee and add spices.

* Rinse a little tamarind in water, after a while when the tamarind is soft, mix it well by hand and wash the dishes with this tamarind water and rub it well, the dishes will shine.

* After frequent use, some stains appear on plastic utensils and bottles and the grease freezes. For this, put two tablespoons of washing soda according to the utensils in a large tub and soak the utensils in this hot water. The results will be astonishing.

* Products made of ivory often turn yellow, place such items in a glass jar in front of the sun's rays. Their yolk will disappear.

* By sniffing the onion, the vinegar pain disappears.

* Planting mint sticks or lemon peels in clothes and books will eliminate insects. In summer, if a little saccharum is added to the pillow, it will cool the pillow and will not cause bed bugs.

* In the rainy season at home washing frankincense is necessary, it eliminates saline.

* Laying the bed sheet with a cliff does not cause slits, and it stays clean for most of the day.

* If the clothes get greasy, sprinkle a good powder on it and iron it and then wash it with washing powder.

* Sometimes henna is light, when the henna dries and shakes, then apply the lime used in the pan.

The following are some of the useful and tested versions of Naniji that have been in use for decades and people are benefiting from them:

* If you want to cook chicken broth, put lemon juice and vinegar in it ten to fifteen minutes before cooking, then fry it in ghee and add spices.

* Rinse a little tamarind in water, after a while when the tamarind is soft, mix it well by hand and wash the dishes with this tamarind water and rub it well, the dishes will shine.

* After frequent use, some stains appear on plastic utensils and bottles and the grease freezes. For this, put two tablespoons of washing soda according to the utensils in a large tub and soak the utensils in this hot water. The results will be astonishing.

* Products made of ivory often turn yellow, place such items in a glass jar in front of the sun's rays. Their yolk will disappear.

* By sniffing the onion, the vinegar pain disappears.

* Planting mint sticks or lemon peels in clothes and books will eliminate insects. In summer, if a little saccharum is added to the pillow, it will cool the pillow and will not cause bed bugs.

* In the rainy season at home washing frankincense is necessary, it eliminates saline.

* Laying the bed sheet with a cliff does not cause slits, and it stays clean for most of the day.

* If the clothes get greasy, sprinkle a good powder on it and iron it and then wash it with washing powder.

* Sometimes henna is light, when the henna dries and shakes, then apply the lime used in the pan.

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Sar Main Khushki Aur Kharish Ka Ilaj Urdu English

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Sar Main Khushki Aur Kharish Ka Ilaj Urdu English

Itching and rashes on the scalp due to heat?
Learn the easiest home remedy to get rid of it
Which gives you a feeling of coolness in the heat

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Kharish Ka Ilaj In Urdu | The scalp cells under the hair are damaged by air pollution, fungal infections and bacteria which cause rashes on the scalp, which not only cause pain but also worsen the itching.

In addition, the cause of pimples on the scalp is your own lifestyle, hormonal imbalances and unhealthy diet are also among the causes of pimples, use of wrong oil or hair products or products with more chemicals in the scalp. Use also causes pimples, let's talk about how to get rid of these pimples and how to get rid of the itch caused by it.

How to get rid of pimples and itching in the head?

* use of olive oil

Olive oil protects the skin from inflammation and it helps to get rid of head infections or itching and removes pimples. Heat the olive oil for a while and then apply lukewarm oil on the scalp. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning. Repeat this process twice a week for best results.

• coconut oil

Coconut oil has antifungal properties that are able to eliminate itchy scalp and bacterial pimples, warm the coconut oil and massage it on the scalp and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair.

* use of aloe vera

Take aloe vera gel and apply it on the scalp and wash the hair with lukewarm water after 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this process twice a week. It will not only make the hair shiny but also clear the scalp and itch.

* home remedies for itching and rashes


Sulfur amla sar a teaspoon

Camomile powder 50 grams

Mustard oil.. 120 ml


Take sulfur amla essence powder and camellia powder, now mix mustard oil in it and make a paste, apply this paste well on the scalp and wash the scalp after half an hour, use it to get rid of dryness, itching from scalp the rash will go away and the bacteria that cause rashes and itching will also be eliminated. 

Skin Care in Potato Urdu English - Aloo Se Chehre Ke Daag Dhabbe Door Karne Ka Tarika

 Skin Care in Potato Urdu English 
Aloo Se Chehre Ke Daag Dhabbe Door Karne Ka Tarika

Skin Care in Potato Urdu English - Aloo Se Chehre Ke Daag Dhabbe Door Karne Ka Tarika

Skin Care in Potato Urdu English - Aloo Se Chehre Ke Daag Dhabbe Door Karne Ka Tarika

Use potato juice to get rid of stubborn spots on the face. Learn how to make the face clean and transparent with potato juice.

Acne mainly affects people in the form of pimples and acne. Let us tell you today how you can use potatoes to treat these blemishes.

How to remove stains from potatoes

* Potato juice and lemons

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy skin. You can take equal amounts of lemon juice and potato juice and apply this mixture on the face with the help of cotton wool for 5 to 8 minutes. Leave it on the face and then wash, you can use this remedy 2 to 3 times a week.

* Potato fee pack

Multani mud is extremely beneficial for the skin. If you soak Multani mud in potato juice and make a thick paste of it and apply it on the face, it will also remove stubborn skin blemishes. Can use times

* Turmeric and potato fee pack

If you add a pinch of turmeric in potato juice and apply this paste on your face for 15 minutes and wash it off, the spots will be removed even faster. Turmeric is known to remove blemishes while it has anti-allergic properties. And there are plenty of antioxidants that can cure other skin problems.

* Potato juice toner

You can also use potato juice as a toner. Extract a normal size potato juice. Add a cup of water to it and fill it in a spray bottle and keep it in the fridge. Now use this toner 2 to 3 times a day. Spray on the face and do not keep it for more than 3 days.